


July, 2023

Volume 15

Issue #3


"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Psalm 119:105




Feature One: Editorial





         One of the miracles of Jesus that perplexes some people was the time he healed a blind man and the miracle didn’t seem to work perfectly the first time. We find this account in Mark 8:22-25. 


“And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him.And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.”


     I’m sure our Lord had a purpose in the way he performed this miracle. It obviously was not that Jesus didn’t have power to restore the man’s sight, for He did restore it. One man gave his explanation in this manner. "By this miracle, Christ teaches us how great is the spiritual blindness of man, which only by degrees, and by successive stages, can come to the light of Divine knowledge." 


            Whether it was for this reason, or another, this does give us a great lesson. We live in a time where those that believe in Christ are becoming more and more confused. It seems that anything and everything is acceptable in the Christian religion. Many people understand that Jesus is the Christ, but it seems they fail to understand that He is the only one that has the right to decide what is acceptable and what is not.


            To begin, let us look at a term we all know, but seldom understand when referencing the Bible. That word, or perhaps phrase, is “New Testament”. A person’s testament is the same as his will. This is God’s new will that has been given to us. Notice a quote taken from 

What Is a Conditional Gift?

        The term “conditional gift” refers to a provision in a will. This provision states that money or property is to be distributed from the estate only when and if a specific event takes place. An example of this would be if the testator leaves a sum of money to each of their grandchildren, but those grandchildren will only receive that money if they graduate from college before turning 25 years old.

        A basic condition that can be put on gifts in wills:

        Condition Precedent: A condition precedent is a condition that must occur before any gift is made. The example given above is an example of a condition precedent, because the beneficiary must graduate college within a certain amount of time before they can receive the money set aside for them.

        Such a condition should be written in a specific way in order to give the condition a reasonable chance of being followed. The condition should set a specific time window that closes after a reasonable period.”


         Notice that when we create our own will, we have the right to decide those that will receive from that will when we die. We can even make stipulations as given above, or some other requirement. That is also true of our Lord. He left us a will (or Testament) and specifies what we must do to be a recipient of the promises of that will.


         Most that claim to follow Christ understand that we must believe that He is the Christ, the son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16). Other than this, many just see “trees walking”, that is, they do not see clearly that we must obey ALL that the new will and testament of Christ teaches. This list will not be complete, but it will illustrate that there is more that the will of Christ requires.


·      Repentance                                       Luke 13:3

·      Baptism for the remission of sins        Acts 22:16

·      Live faithfully until death                   Revelation 2:10

·      Be forgiving                                     Matthew 6:14-15

·      Worship God in spirit and in truth       John 4:23-24

·      Worship Him in song                         Ephesians 5:19

·  Observe the Lord’s Supper weekly Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:24-30

·      Give as we have been prospered         1 Corinthians 16:2


I realize this may not a complete list, but the idea is that Jesus is king, He left us a will that must govern our lives. Remember the story of the one talent man. (Matthew 25:14-30). If we do not do the will of our king, we will be as the unprofitable servant and be sent “into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”




Feature Two: an article by R. C. Oliver





R C Oliver


         I want to begin by examining Matthew 24:12. “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” This statement was uttered by our Lord, and He  made the statement anticipating the destruction of the city of Jerusalem. 

         Turning back to the first two verses of this chapter, we find Jesus speaking to His disciples, and saying unto them: “See ye not all these things?” This question He asked upon being shown by His disciples the buildings of the temple at Jerusalem. Then He said to their utter astonishment, “Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” This was truly a hard saying for His disciples, and they later enquired of Him: “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” then Jesus commenced to tell them some things that should happen before that event should occur that would not leave one stone upon another. He first cautioned them against being deceived by men. He then pointed out that many false christs would arise, and that they would deceive many. He also told of “wars and rumors of wars”. He told how nation shall rise against nation, He told of famines, of pestilences and earthquakes, which would occur in diverse places. Neither did he fail to point out the fact that there would be great persecution: men would betray one another, and hate one another, and then he said that because of the presence of so much iniquity, that the love of many would grow cold. While all of these things were fulfilled during that very generation to which he was speaking (“Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. – Matthew 24:34) and before, and during the time of Jerusalem’s destruction, yet it is not to be overlooked that these things occurred as the result of cause. 

              Though we are dealing primarily and exclusively with the destruction of Jerusalem, and the natural signs announcing that event, here in these verses of Matthew 24; yet we are not to overlook the fact that whenever and wherever these, or like causes might arise, we may expect a similar reproduction of these dreadful effects! While it is true that Matthew 24:12 is speaking exclusively of affairs as they would occur before the destruction of Jerusalem, yet it is as true today as it was then that when “iniquity abounds, the love of many shall wax cold.” In view of the fact that this is a most undesirable condition, and one we do not wish to exist, I want now to study the general subject of love, and the ways in which it may be inflamed or the way in which it may be made to grow cold. Observe the true meaning of love.



         Love, being an abstract quality, is not easily defined; however, such attempts as the following have been made by Webster. “A feeling of strong personal attachment induced by sympathetic understanding, or by ties of kinship; ardent affection.” While we may recognize this as a good definition, yet it is not altogether a satisfactory one, for the very nature of the subject defies definition. However, one thing is certain, one thing is sure. When the Bible talks about love, it is not talking about some silly, emotional sentimentalism that refuses to stand for anything and therefore falls for everything; rather, it is talking about that quality in man that makes him a better man than he could otherwise possibly be without it. While we may never be able to state exactly what it is, yet we can understand what it is by allowing Paul to tell us what it does. In 1 Corinthians 13:4 “Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil; rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love never faileth:” I have used the American Standard Version in that the word rendered “charity” in the King James Version, is properly rendered “love” in the American Standard Version. The meaning is the same, but the word “love” will come nearer conveying to the popular mind the true meaning of the apostle than will the word “charity”.

         Here then Paul has told us what love does, as well as telling us some things that love does not do. While I would like to take the time to discuss each of these characteristics of love, I do not have the space to do so; however, in view of the false concept that some have of this subject, I do what to call attention to this one characteristic, namely: “Love…rejoiceth not in iniquity or unrighteousness, but rejoiceth in the truth.” Love stands up for the truth. It therefore stands for something, and standing for the something, it is not subject to fall for everything. There are those who would have you believe that when a man is a man of love, that such a man will give his support to everything that comes along in the guise of religion. This, however, is not the case for it is a perversion of the gospel that Paul preached! If a man really possesses true love for Christ and his church, he will rejoice whenever Christ and his church are lifted up, and he will further use his influence to destroy every object that stands in the way of such exaltation. A man who really loves Christ will not feel that he is building his own cause, when he is engaged in building the cause of Christ. Neither will he confuse the cause for which our Savior died with such efforts as have originated within the minds of men. Such therefore is an essential characteristic of love that should not go unnoticed, that is, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness but it does rejoice with the truth. 



              How may our love be increased? Actually, the same cause that created love in our hearts in the first place, I personally believe, is capable of increasing it for us. What therefore is the source of our love for God? John tells us in 1 John 4:19 “We love Him, because He first loved us.” Love creates love. When one learns and really believes that God loves him, he then will want to love God. But, another might ask: “Is there any way that I might know as to whether I do or do not love God?” The Bible actually answers this question in 1 John 5:3 which reads, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.” Also, consider John 15:14 which reads, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” Notice the “if” in this passage. Our loving God is conditioned upon our keeping His commandments. Therefore, should one refuse to keep the commandments of God; such is proof that he does not love God, his thoughts to the contrary notwithstanding. Let me give this illustration: God commands us to speak according to his oracles or truths (1 Peter 4:11). He further commands us to neither add to, nor subtract from what he has said. (Revelation 22:18-19). Another passage we might select for this point is 2 Timothy 3:16-17. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” Now in view of the fact the Lord tells us to sing in praising him (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16 etc.), yet He does not command us to praise Him with mechanical instrumental music. Can’t you see, that when we venture to go ahead and use such music anyway, that we have disregarded the Lord’s command, and have thus proven that we do not love Him! Churches that love the Lord will not use such unauthorized music in their worship. No man can love God and engage in such worship. One may think that he can, but such is “will-worship”, it is not according to truth. Remember, love rejoiceth in truth, and for that reason, love for God will not allow the mechanical instrumental music to be brought into the worship of God. So, what would cause a man who once loved God to allow his love for God to grow cold? Let us therefore observe:




         In the first place, Jesus said iniquity would cause our love to grow cold. False teachers, betrayals, and a spirit of general disregard for what God says, such will cause even the strongest love to grow cold, unless it is guarded.

         In the second place, a departure from the source of heat will cause our love to grow cold; but in that God speaks of his word as that which is like unto fire as Jeremiah 23:29 states: “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD….”, we might well think of the word of the Lord as the source of heat that keeps our love aflame; hence, any departure from the Lord’s will, such as the illustration that I have already given, would cause men to allow their love for God to grow cold. In that we might easily allow the spirit of God to leave us unaware, we might well ask: what are the symptoms of cooling, or cold, love?




         When Israel of the Old Testament began to grow cold, they desired to be like the nations around them. (1 Samuel 8:5 “And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”) Therefore, we might safely conclude that when the people of God desire to become like the people around them that their love has grown cold. Such was the case in the history of God’s people during the late 1800’s, when many, desiring to be like the nations, as it were, around them, introduced mechanical instrumental music into the church, over the protest of faithful brethren everywhere. All because someone’s love grew cold. The coldness of which was manifest in their desire to be like those nations, as it were, about them! I might add that all who stand with that divisive element today do so at their own peril, for as they now stand, they stand condoning and justifying every ungodly deed of those ungodly men who not only corrupted the worship and divided the body of Christ. The desire to be like others is simply one of many symptoms. A lack of love for the brethren is a symptom of a cold love. A disregard for what the Lord has said, this is another symptom of a cold love. Much could also be said about absenteeism from the assembly of the saints,  

         I do trust that what I have said will cause each of you to re-examine yourself, to see whether you be in the faith; for with what ease can one be deceived by falsehood, and after all, falsehood effects the mind in the same way that truth does, so be careful. In fact, it would be well that you always prove your teaching by the Bible, and believe what it teaches. Do not rest your faith on the words and arguments of others, for our generation as well as previous generations are filled with false teachers, and while they may appear to you to be men who are the very “angels” of mercy themselves, yet they may well be such as have rejected the righteousness of God and such as have gone about to establish their own righteousness. For it has been in this manner that pure Christian worship has been corrupted through the centuries by the use of incense, the keeping of days, the burning of candles, the use of mechanical instrumental music, and a host of other things.





Feature Three: Sandy's Women's Corner


Editor's Note: You can read weekly articles from Sandy at the following Web site: "Blog for Christian Women"




When our children were small, we made a trip to Disney World. We were all excited about visiting such a wonderful place and anxious to see everything we possibly could.


One day while we were waiting on one of the trams, we met a family with a little boy. His mom called him Mr. Mischief. The child could not be still. He wanted to hurry to do everything. He was impatient waiting for the tram, and he was into everything. 


His mother told me that “Mr. Mischief” was so named because he was always getting into trouble. She told me this in front of him, while she was constantly stopping our conversation to correct him. 


It occurred to me as we talked, that this child was responding to his mother’s expectations of him. She expected him to always be difficult, and so he was. She expected him to constantly get into trouble, so he did.


I wonder how different our lives would be if our expectations were different. Would it change the way we treat others? Would it change the way we look at our own lives? Would it change the way others respond to us?


I think we tend to go from day to day, expecting the worst in people. We expect someone to hurt our feelings. We expect someone will cheat us. We expect that our friends will let us down. Some people expect their spouse to be unfaithful. Parents expect their children to do things they shouldn’t. 


I believe Jesus gave the benefit of the doubt to those He met during His ministry on earth. Let’s look at some of His encounters and see.


When Nicodemus came to Jesus, he came at night. After all, he was a Pharisee; and the other Pharisees might not have understood why he was paying a visit to Jesus. 


When he approached Jesus, our Lord didn’t expect Nicodemus to be there with ulterior motives. He had a conversation with him about being born again. Later, Nicodemus defended him at a meeting of the Sanhedrin (John 7:50) and even helped Joseph of Arimathea to bury Jesus (John 19:39).

From their conversation, Jesus obviously talked with Nicodemus as though there was a chance he would do the right thing. 


When Jesus arrived in Bethany, the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, He knew that Lazarus was dead. Mary and Martha couldn’t understand why Jesus had delayed and why He had not arrived in time to heal Lazarus. Their expectation was not unnatural. After all, they had probably seen the Lord heal others or maybe raise someone from the dead. They expected Jesus to come immediately.


Of course, we know that when Jesus arrived, He went to Lazarus’ tomb. There He called Lazarus to come forth, and Lazarus did. Mary and Martha received what they expected, just not when they expected it.


Jesus knew He was fighting an uphill battle during His three-year ministry. People expected Him to defeat the Romans in battle and restore the Jewish nation. They expected Him to reign as an early king, but He reigned then and now as the heavenly king. They expected Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom, but He set up a spiritual kingdom, the church.


What do we expect? Let’s look at a few things some might expect:

·      Do we expect God to reward us for our good deeds when our hearts are evil? 

·      Do we expect God to let us believe whatever we want and still have a place in His kingdom? 

·      Do we expect to go to heaven without taking anyone with us? 

·      Do we expect to never attend worship and God take us to the home He has prepared where we will worship Him forever?

·      Do we expect to keep making more and more money and never give any of it back to God?


What does God expect? He expects obedience, just like He expected of the Jews on Pentecost in Acts 2. He expects the same thing He expected from the Eunuch in Acts 8, Saul in Acts 9, Cornelius in Acts 10, and all the others that responded to His Word throughout the book of Acts. 


Simply stated, God expects our obedience to His commands, just as He expected obedience from His people in the Old Testament. We need to do as Paul told Timothy in II Timothy 2:15, “Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth” (ASV).


We need an open mind and a heart willing to accept the Word of God. Then we need to obey what the Lord commands.


Sandra Oliver


Feature Four: Honor to Whom Honor



                            Richard Stephens

         There is a man in Indiana that I knew and worked with many years ago. Time has taken us in different paths, but he is involved in such a wonderful work today, and that is in the country of Malawi. He has been doing this work for over 20 years and has been a tremendous help to the people of that country. To learn more of that work go to  If you are able to help with this great work it would be greatly appreciated.  Dick was a great help to me back in the 1970’s when I was a young preacher in Winchester, Indiana. 



Feature Five:     Bible Question


              I was recently asked about Jesus remarks in Matthew 12:31-32. That text reads: “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”

         Is this a sin that can be committed today? If someone does commit this sin today will they be lost forever? I believe the answer is in the context. Earlier in the reading we are told that the Pharisees were saying, and thinking, that the miracles being performed by Jesus were truly real, but they were being done by the power of Satan (Beelzebub). That is what prompted Jesus to make the statement in our text. So the answer is, “Yes it is possible.” But it is unlikely to happen. These Pharisees were attributing the power of the Holy Spirit to Satan. That, Jesus said, was unforgiveable.

         Therefore, today for someone to commit that sin they must indicate they believe the miracles of Jesus were true, but that he performed those miracles by the power of Satan. That is a very unlikely situation. Jesus added that if someone spoke a word against Him it could be forgiven (verse 32). So to deny that Jesus performed miracles could be forgiven if one came to the truth.





Sunday after church, a Mom asked her very young daughter what the lesson was about. The daughteranswered, 'Don't be scared, you'll get your quilt.' Needless to say, the Mom was perplexed. Later in the day,

the preacher stopped by for tea and the Mom asked him what that morning's Sunday school lesson was about. He said 'Be not a afraid, thy comforter is coming.'


In Closing 



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